Permissions Info

We value being part of a community of independent business owners, activists, artists, and writers. If you want to record a read-aloud, create a reading guide, or otherwise build resources based on any of our books, we welcome your creativity—with a few rules.

Many of our books already have free guides that the author developed or approved and that we want people to use, but perhaps you need a guide geared to a specific age group or event. To create a FREE reading guide, please request permission from Dottir Press and the author/s ( can put you in touch). We welcome and strongly encourage you to collaborate with the authors and Dottir Press on any educational materials, but the next best practice is getting permission and approval for your guide. 

To SELL a guide or resource based on Dottir Press books, securing permission from Dottir Press and the author/s is required. Not only does this prevent everyone from running into copyright issues, but we believe that respecting our authors’ intellectual property and labor is a key tenet of ethical collaboration.

Click here for story time permissions info.

Click here for school licensing info for the IntersectionAllies Teaching Guide & Workbook.