Katie Cappiello
Photo by Lynn Savarese
Katie is an award-winning theater creator, acting teacher, and writer. She has written, directed and produced six plays, as well as the Netflix Original Grand Army. Her first book was SLUT: A Play and Guidebook for Combatting Sexism and Sexual Violence, and she currently runs GoodCapp Arts. She has been commissioned by organizations such as The United Nations and Planned Parenthood, and has been honored by the National Women’s Hall of Fame.
Available to speak on activism and the arts, theater as a tool for social change, healthy sexuality and shame, sexual assault in the lives of young people, feminist storytelling, gender, translation of plays to screen
“It is not often that you come across art that gives you the exact tools you need to do this work yourself—art that acts as a guide on the long journey to breaking these systems down. Now That We’re Men is one of those works of art.” —MARQUIS RODRIGUEZ
"Nuanced, courageous, and urgently necessary."—KIRKUS REVIEWS
"If you’ve ever been a boy or a teenager or a human being, the breathtaking artistic achievement entitled Now That We’re Men should not only be witnessed, but pondered."—JONATHAN MARC SHERMAN, playwright, Women and Wallace
Compassionate and insightful, this play and guidebook razes rape culture, interrogates masculinity, and breeds accountability without sacrificing boys.