Ali Bryan

Photo by Phil Crozier OTO BY PHIL CROZIER

Photo by Phil Crozier

Ali is the author of three novels, Georges Bugnet Award winner Roost, The Figgs, and The Hill. Her nonfiction has been shortlisted for the Jon Whyte Memorial Essay Prize and longlisted for the CBC Creative Non-Fiction Prize. She lives with her family in Calgary, Alberta, where she divides her time between writing and mastering the flying armbar. Her thirteen-year-old daughter is a competitive wrestler and inspired the fight sequences in The Hill.


Available to speak on raising girls in combat sports, writing with intention, feminism in teen fiction

Praise and Awards

“Lyrical writing and deep worldbuilding make for an immersive reading experience.”—KIRKUS REVIEWS

“Bryan’s dialogue and character interaction are so spot on, and the rare occasion where she does take the chance and delves beneath the super funny surface of asshole-dom, she is dazzling.”—TORONTO STAR

“A great pick for forward-thinking feminist teens.”—BOOKLIST

Georges Bugnet Award winner

2018 Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Emerging Artist recipient, 2020 Howard O’Hagan Award winner, 2021 Airdrie Reads Contender, 2021 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize Longlist Book




The Hill

In a pulse-racing story, The Hill explores gender, power, and access to truth in a world defined by scarcity and distrust. The book outlines the consequences of consumerism and environmental neglect, while reminding us just what it takes to be a girl in this world.